After care is extremely important after getting waxed or sugared. Proper after care will ensure you get the best results from your service and that each subsequent session is easier.

Use your regular soap for washing (preferably one that is not heavily fragranced). Begin exfoliating with our sugar scrub or exfoliation gloves 24 hours later. Exfoliate every other day. Using witch hazel on the skin daily will keep the skin clean and soothed.

Please AVOID the following activities after your wax or sugar:

-no touching, scratching or rubbing waxed or sugared areas for at least 12 hours
-no sex for 24 hours
-no excessive sweating or working out for 24 hours
-no tight or constrictive clothing for 24 hours (wear loose clothes and cotton underwear)
-no tanning activities for at least 72 hours
-no pool, beach or hot tub for at least 72 hours

If you have any questions about caring for your wax, please call us at 910.829.1060.