Q: What is a Brazilian Wax?

A: In a Brazilian wax, your CRÈME + HONEY® esthetician will remove all of the hair from your pubic area as well as any hair in between the butt cheeks. 

Q: What is sugaring paste?

A: Sugaring paste is made of sugar, lemon juice and water. It is not a form or variant of wax. Sugaring paste is very sticky and is applied to the skin at room temperature. Your CRÈME + HONEY® esthetician will mold the paste to your skin and remove it. We included a picture of our sugaring paste below! We will still charge for the sugaring if you decide to switch to wax instead. All customers requesting Brazilian Sugars will first have a consultation. 

Q: How do I prepare for a wax?

A: Exfoliate! Exfoliating helps get rid of dead skin that could clog your pores and cause ingrown hairs. Do not exfoliate the day before or after your wax. 

Q: How do I care for my skin after I get waxed or sugared?

A: After care is extremely important after getting waxed or sugared. Proper after care will ensure you get the best results from your service and that each subsequent session is easier.

Use your regular soap for washing (preferably one that is not heavily fragranced). Begin exfoliating with our sugar scrub or exfoliation gloves 24 hours later. Exfoliate every other day. Using witch hazel on the skin daily will keep the skin clean and soothed.

Please AVOID the following activities after your wax or sugar:

-no touching, scratching or rubbing waxed or sugared areas for at least 12 hours
-no sex for 24 hours
-no excessive sweating or working out for 24 hours
-no tight or constrictive clothing for 24 hours (wear loose clothes and cotton underwear)
-no tanning activities for at least 72 hours
-no pool, beach or hot tub for at least 72 hours

If you have any questions about caring for your wax, please call us at 910.829.1060.

Q: How long does my hair needs to be for waxing?

A: We need 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch of hair to wax. You should avoid shaving, waxing, trimming and all forms of hair removal for at least 21 days before coming to get a wax at CRÈME + HONEY®.

Q: Will all of the hair be removed?

A: It depends. If it is your first time or if you haven’t wax in months, probably not. It take 2-4 wax sessions to get ideal results from waxing because our hair grows on 4 different hair cycles.

Q: How long should I wait between waxes?

A: This depends on your skin and hair type. Typically we recommend to come back every 3 to 5 weeks for the best results. Some people come just for special occasions, which works as well. Your CRÈME + HONEY® esthetician will recommend when you should come back. Customers who wax regularly and consistently report that their hair grows back thinner and more slowly. 

Q: Can I get a Bikini or Brazilian Wax while on my period?

A: Yes, as long as you’re comfortable! If you need a wax while on your period, be sure to wear a fresh tampon or period cup. Please know that waxing during your period may increase sensitivity. We ask that you be mindful of your hygiene as well.

Q: What if I just got a tan?

A: Any form of tanning is forbidden for 72 hours before and after you get a wax.  If you plan to get a spray tan, you should get your wax at least 72 hours before you get a spray tan. 

Q: What if I’m pregnant?

A: We wax pregnant ladies everyday, all the way up until they’re very close to delivering! It’s no issue at all as long as you’re not high risk. Please be mindful that pregnancy may cause increased sensitivity.

Q: What if I’m a minor?

A: We can wax minors! Our salon policy is that a parent or guardian must be present on the first visit to review paperwork with you, after that you can visit on your own.

Q: What if I take prescriptions, have allergies or use skincare products?

A: We will need to reschedule your wax if you have any of the following prescriptions, products, allergies or conditions: Antibiotics, blood thinners, Retin-A, Retinol, Accutane, Doxycycline, Tetracycline, Resin allergy, any autoimmune disorders, any active Herpes or genital wart outbreaks or any open skin sores or cuts.

Q: Is there a cancellation policy?

A: Yes. If you have made an appointment and need to cancel or reschedule, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance in consideration of our other customers and our estheticians. If we don't hear from you in time, we will charge a cancellation or late-reschedule fee to your card. Furthermore, customers who frequently no-show or cancel late will not be able to book appointments.

Q: What happens if I'm late to my appointment?

A: Please be on time to your appointment. Please call and let us know if you're running late. We understand. We try to give our customers a few minutes of grace. After that, we will open up availability to walk-ins and you may have to wait for your service or reschedule it entirely. 

Q: Should I tip my esthetician?

A: Yes! This is a service industry so tip your esthetician 20 - 30 percent of the value of your service based on your experience. You can tip in cash or on your credit or debit card.

Q: Can I bring my kid(s) to the salon?

A: No. Due to safety and space considerations, we ask that you make other arrangements for your children.  We cannot allow them into the wax room because our wax pots are hot and our estheticians move around rapidly. Our staff cannot be responsible for watching children in the waiting area because they will be busy working throughout the salon and cannot ensure their safety. 

Q: Do you have gift cards?

A: Yes! Just ask for one at the reception desk. All gift card sales are final and non-refundable. 

Q: Do you sell post-wax care products?

A: Yes we do! We have a sugar scrub, an ingrown hair toner, a moisturizing oil that does not clog pores and an intimate discoloration solution. Please adhere to instructions on the bottle. Results may vary. All product sales are final and non-refundable.

Q: What is the salon's liability policy?

A: The customer assumes full risk for any and all damages sustained while at CRÈME + HONEY® Wax Salon or while receiving services. CRÈME + HONEY™ Wax Salon, owners, management and staff waive all liability for any and all damages or injuries that may occur. As professionals, we take every precaution while waxing you and we expect our customers to take the same careful approach. 

Q: What is proper wax etiquette?

A: Please be on time to your appointment and mindful of your hygiene. Please treat our staff with kindness and respect. We have a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate sexual comments or behavior towards our team. Your appointment will be cancelled and you will be asked to leave and not come back.